In IterationBuffer§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

method raku(IterationBuffer:D: --> Str)

Produces a representation of the IterationBuffer as a List postfixed with ".IterationBuffer" to make it different from an ordinary list. Does not roundtrip. Intended for debugging uses only, specifically for use with dd.

In RakuAST::Doc::Paragraph§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

# method .gist falls back to .raku
say $block;  #

Returns the string that is needed for the creation of the paragraph using RakuAST calls.

In RakuAST::Doc::Markup§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

# method .gist falls back to .raku
say $markup;  #

Returns the string that is needed for the creation of the markup using RakuAST calls.

In IO::Path§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

method raku(IO::Path:D: --> Str:D)

Returns a string that, when given passed through EVAL gives the original invocant back.

# OUTPUT:"foo/bar", :SPEC(IO::Spec::Unix), :CWD("/home/camelia"))

Note that this string includes the value of the .CWD attribute that is set to $*CWD when the path object was created, by default.

In Allomorph§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

multi method raku(Allomorph:D:)

Return a representation of the object that can be used via EVAL to reconstruct the value of the object.

In Rat§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

multi method raku(Rat:D: --> Str:D)

Returns an implementation-specific string that produces an equivalent object when given to EVAL.

say (1/3).raku;                # OUTPUT: «<1/3>␤»
say (2/4).raku;                # OUTPUT: «0.5␤»

In RakuAST::Doc::Declarator§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

# method .gist falls back to .raku
say $declarator;  #

Returns the string that is needed for the creation of the block using RakuAST calls.

In RakuAST::Doc::Block§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

# method .gist falls back to .raku
say $block;  #

Returns the string that is needed for the creation of the block using RakuAST calls.

In IO::Path::Win32§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

method raku(IO::Path::Win32:D: --> Str:D)

Returns a string that, when given passed through EVAL gives the original invocant back."foo/bar").raku.say;
# OUTPUT:"foo/bar", :CWD("C:\\Users\\camelia"))

Note that this string includes the value of the .CWD attribute that is set to $*CWD when the path object was created, by default.

In IO::Path::QNX§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

method raku(IO::Path::QNX:D: --> Str:D)

Returns a string that, when given passed through EVAL gives the original invocant back."foo/bar").raku.say;
# OUTPUT:"foo/bar", :CWD("/home/camelia"))

Note that this string includes the value of the .CWD attribute that is set to $*CWD when the path object was created, by default.

In FatRat§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

multi method raku(FatRat:D: --> Str:D)

Returns an implementation-specific string that produces an equivalent object when given to EVAL.

say, 2).raku; # OUTPUT: «, 2)␤»

In IO::Path::Unix§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

method raku(IO::Path::Unix:D: --> Str:D)

Returns a string that, when given passed through EVAL gives the original invocant back."foo/bar").raku.say;
# OUTPUT:"foo/bar", :CWD("/home/camelia"))

Note that this string includes the value of the .CWD attribute that is set to $*CWD when the path object was created, by default.

In Range§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

multi method raku(Range:D:)

Returns an implementation-specific string that produces an equivalent object when given to EVAL.

say (1..2).raku # OUTPUT: «1..2␤»

In Complex§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

method raku(Complex:D: --> Str:D)

Returns an implementation-specific string that produces an equivalent object when given to EVAL.

say (1-3i).raku;                # OUTPUT: «<1-3i>␤»

In Mu§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

multi method raku(Mu:U:)
multi method raku(Mu:D:)

For type objects, returns its name if .raku has not been redefined from Mu, or calls .raku on the name of the type object otherwise.

say Str.raku;          # OUTPUT: «Str␤»

For plain objects, it will conventionally return a representation of the object that can be used via EVAL to reconstruct the value of the object.

say (1..3).Set.raku;  # OUTPUT: «,2,3)␤»

In IO::Path::Cygwin§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

method raku(IO::Path::Cygwin:D: --> Str:D)

Returns a string that, when given passed through EVAL gives the original invocant back."foo/bar").raku.say;
# OUTPUT:"foo/bar", :CWD("/home/camelia"))

Note that this string includes the value of the .CWD attribute that is set to $*CWD when the path object was created, by default.

In Junction§

See primary documentation in context for method raku.

multi method raku(Junction:D:)

Collapses the Junction and returns a Str composed of raku of its components that evaluates to the equivalent Junction with equivalent components:

<a 42 c>.all.raku.put; # OUTPUT: «all("a",, "42"), "c")␤»