In IO::Path§
See primary documentation in context for method comb.
method comb(IO::Path:D: |args --> Seq:D)
Opens the file and processes its contents the same way Str.comb
does, taking the same arguments. Implementations may slurp the file in its entirety when this method is called.
In Allomorph§
See primary documentation in context for method comb.
method comb(Allomorph:D: |c)
Calls Str.comb
on the invocant's Str
In IO::CatHandle§
See primary documentation in context for method comb.
method comb(IO::CatHandle:D: |args --> Seq:D)
Read the handle and processes its contents the same way Str.comb
does, taking the same arguments. Implementations may slurp the contents of all the source handles in their entirety when this method is called.
(my $f1 = 'foo'.IO).spurt: 'foo'; (my $f2 = 'bar'.IO).spurt: 'bar';$f1, $f2).comb(2).raku.say; # OUTPUT: «("fo", "ob", "ar").Seq»
In Str§
See primary documentation in context for routine comb.
multi comb(Str:D $matcher, Str:D $input, $limit = Inf) multi comb(Regex:D $matcher, Str:D $input, $limit = Inf, Bool :$match) multi comb(Int:D $size, Str:D $input, $limit = Inf) multi method comb(Str:D $input:) multi method comb(Str:D $input: Str:D $matcher, $limit = Inf) multi method comb(Str:D $input: Regex:D $matcher, $limit = Inf, Bool :$match) multi method comb(Str:D $input: Int:D $size, $limit = Inf)
Searches for $matcher
in $input
and returns a Seq
of non-overlapping matches limited to at most $limit
If $matcher
is a Regex, each Match
object is converted to a Str
, unless $match
is set (available as of the 2020.01 release of the Rakudo compiler).
If no matcher is supplied, a Seq of characters in the string is returned, as if the matcher was rx/./
say "abc".comb.raku; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c").Seq» say "abc".comb(:match).raku; # OUTPUT: «(「a」 「b」 「c」)» say 'abcdefghijk'.comb(3).raku; # OUTPUT: «("abc", "def", "ghi", "jk").Seq» say 'abcdefghijk'.comb(3, 2).raku; # OUTPUT: «("abc", "def").Seq» say comb(/\w/, "a;b;c").raku; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b", "c").Seq» say comb(/\N/, "a;b;c").raku; # OUTPUT: «("a", ";", "b", ";", "c").Seq» say comb(/\w/, "a;b;c", 2).raku; # OUTPUT: «("a", "b").Seq» say comb(/\w\;\w/, "a;b;c", 2).raku; # OUTPUT: «("a;b",).Seq» say comb(/.<(.)>/, "<>[]()").raku; # OUTPUT: «(">", "]", ")").Seq»
If the matcher is an integer value, comb
behaves as if the matcher was rx/ . ** {1..$matcher} /
, but which is optimized to be much faster.
Note that a Regex matcher may control which portion of the matched text is returned by using features which explicitly set the top-level capture.
multi comb(Pair:D $rotor, Str:D $input, $limit = Inf, Bool :$partial) multi method comb(Str:D $input: Pair:D $rotor, $limit = Inf, Bool :$partial)
Available as of 6.e language version (early implementation exists in Rakudo compiler 2022.12+). The rotor
pair indicates the number of characters to fetch as the key (the "size"), and the number of "steps" forward to take afterwards. Its main intended use is to provide a way to create N-grams from strings in an efficient manner. By default only strings of the specified size will be produced. This can be overridden by specifying the named argument :partial
with a true value.
say "abcde".comb(3 => -2); # OUTPUT: «(abc bcd cde)» say "abcde".comb(3 => -2, :partial); # OUTPUT: «(abc bcd cde de e)» say "abcdefg".comb(3 => -2, 2); # OUTPUT: «(abc bcd)» say comb(3 => -2, "abcde"); # OUTPUT: «(abc bcd cde)» say comb(5 => -2, "abcde", :partial); # OUTPUT: «(abc bcd cde de e)» say comb(5 => -2, "abcdefg", 2); # OUTPUT: «(abc bcd)»
In Cool§
See primary documentation in context for routine comb.
multi comb(Regex $matcher, Cool $input, $limit = *) multi comb(Str $matcher, Cool $input, $limit = *) multi comb(Int:D $size, Cool $input, $limit = *) multi method comb(|c)
Returns a Seq
of all (or if supplied, at most $limit
) matches of the invocant (method form) or the second argument (sub form) against the Regex
, string or defined number.
say "6 or 12".comb(/\d+/).join(", "); # OUTPUT: «6, 12» say comb(/\d <[1..9]> /,(11..30)).join("--"); # OUTPUT: # «11--12--13--14--15--16--17--18--19--21--22--23--24--25--26--27--28--29»
The second statement exemplifies the first form of comb
, with a Regex
that excludes multiples of ten, and a Range
(which is Cool
) as $input
. comb
stringifies the Range
before applying .comb
on the resulting string. Check Str.comb
for its effect on different kind of input strings. When the first argument is an integer, it indicates the (maximum) size of the chunks the input is going to be divided in
say comb(3,[3,33,333,3333]).join("*"); # OUTPUT: «3 3*3 3*33 *333*3»
In this case the input is a list, which after transformation to Str
(which includes the spaces) is divided in chunks of size 3.
In IO::Handle§
See primary documentation in context for method comb.
method comb(IO::Handle:D: Bool :$close, |args --> Seq:D)
Read the handle and processes its contents the same way Str.comb
does, taking the same arguments, closing the handle when done if $close
is set to a true value. Implementations may slurp the file in its entirety when this method is called.
Attempting to call this method when the handle is in binary mode will result in X::IO::BinaryMode
exception being thrown.
my $fh = 'path/to/file'; say "The file has {+$fh.comb: '♥', :close} ♥s in it";